The Health Effects of Noise and Vibration and the Precautions to be Taken and the Arrangement of the Noise Map at Work

The Health Effects of Noise and Vibration and the Precautions to be Taken and the Arrangement of the Noise Map at Work

The Health Effects of Noise and Vibration and the Precautions to be Taken and the Arrangement of the Noise Map at Work

1. The Health Effects of Noise

Noise poses a serious health and safety risk, especially for employees in industrial workplaces. Exposure to high levels of noise for a long time can lead to irreversible health problems, such as hearing loss. Health problems caused by noise include:

1.1. Hearing Loss

Constantly working in loud environments can lead to permanent damage to hearing. Prolonged exposure to noise above 85 dB can lead to hearing loss. Such losses are a process that is usually not noticed at first and progresses over time.

1.2. Stress and Psychological Effects

Constant exposure to noise negatively affects the psychological health of employees by increasing the stress level. Noise, a constant distraction, can lead to focusing problems, sleep disorders and an increase in the overall stress level.

1.3. Cardiovascular Diseases

Research shows that blood pressure increases in individuals exposed to loud noise for a long time, which increases the risk of heart attack and hypertension. Noise puts pressure on the circulatory system by increasing the body's production of stress hormones.

1.4. Loss of Productivity

Noise negatively affects work efficiency by reducing the level of focus and concentration of employees. Individuals who work in a constant noise environment may make more mistakes and work slower when performing their tasks.

2. The Health Effects of Vibration

Machines and vehicles used in workplaces produce vibration. Especially hand tools, large machines and vehicles can cause serious health problems by spreading vibrations to the hands, arms or different parts of the body of employees. Vibration is evaluated in two main categories:

2.1. Hand-Arm Vibration

Vibrations emitted by hand-carried tools can lead to various health problems in the hand and arm area. Employees who are exposed to constant hand-arm vibration may experience the following health problems:

White Finger (Raynaud's Syndrome): Causes impaired blood circulation in the hands and fingers. There may be whitening and numbness in the fingers.
November November Muscle and Nerve Damage: Constant vibration can lead to damage to muscles and nerves, which can lead to loss of strength and dysfunction.

2.2. Whole Body Vibration

Heavy machinery or vehicles can create vibrations throughout the entire body. Such vibrations can cause problems with the spine and internal organs of employees, especially when sitting down. Whole body vibration exposure can lead to the following effects:

Spinal Disorders: Lower back and back pain may become common.
Damage to Internal Organs: Constant vibration can create pressure on the internal organs and cause serious discomfort in the long term.

3. Precautions to be Taken Against Noise and Vibration in the Workplace

Measures to be taken at the workplace to prevent health problems caused by noise and vibration are of vital importance. Employers must take measures to minimize these risks in order to protect the health of their employees.

3.1. Noise Measurements and Arrangement of the Noise Map

December noise measurements should be made at regular intervals to determine the noise level in the workplace. As a result of these measurements, a noise map can be created by determining which areas have high noise levels in the workplace. The noise map visually shows the sound level of each area in the workplace, and this map is used to plan measures to be taken in areas with the highest noise risk.

Determination of Noise Level: By measuring the noise level of machines and processes in the working environment, decibel values in different areas of the workplace are determined.
Identification of Hazardous Areas: The noise map shows which areas are dangerous in the workplace and it is ensured that the workers who will work in these areas use the necessary protective equipment.
Sound Insulation Applications: Sound insulation can be performed in loud areas determined as a result of the noise map. The noise level can be reduced by using insulation materials that will reduce the sound output of the machines.

3.2. Vibration Measurement and Monitoring

The vibration level is determined by measuring the vibrations emitted by machines and hand tools. As a result of these measurements, tools and machines emitting dangerous levels of vibration are detected and precautions are taken for these devices.

Vibration Isolation: Vibration-reducing materials can be used in hand tools or machines can be installed in such a way as to isolate vibration.
Time Restrictions: These exposure periods of employees exposed to vibration should be limited and regular breaks should be given.
Alternative Tools: The risk can be reduced by choosing tools that do not emit vibration or have less vibration.

3.3. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) plays an important role in protecting employees against noise and vibration.

Ear Protectors: Earplugs or headphones should be used in environments where noise is high. Such equipment reduces the risk of hearing loss by reducing noise to a certain level.
Anti-Vibration Gloves: Workers working with hand-arm vibration should be provided with vibration-insulating gloves and regular renewal of these gloves should be ensured.

3.4. Education and Awareness Raising

Employees should be regularly trained on noise and vibration risks and informed on how to minimize these risks. The following issues should be addressed in the trainings:

  • The health effects of noise and vibration,
  • Proper use of protective equipment,
  • Safe working methods in noisy and vibrating environments.

3.5. Regeneration of Noise and Vibration Sources

Old and inefficient machines create more noise and vibration. For this reason, the machines used in the workplace should be regularly maintained and replaced with technologically quieter and low-vibration machines.

Noise and vibration are important risk factors that negatively affect employee health. The detection, management and minimization of these risks in the workplace are necessary both to ensure compliance with occupational health and safety standards and to increase the productivity of employees. By arranging the noise map, detecting the noise sources and taking insulation measures, the sound levels at work can be kept under control. In addition, vibration-induced health problems of employees can be prevented with vibration measurements and the use of appropriate equipment.

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Occupational Safety and Worker Health Center

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