Workplace Environmental Measurements


Occupational hygiene involves the quantitative and qualitative assessment of physical factors such as noise, vibration, lighting, and non-ionizing radiation; chemical factors such as dust, gases, and vapors; and biological factors such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi present in the work environment that could adversely affect the health of employees. Occupational hygiene measurements, testing, and analysis can also be referred to as environmental and personal exposure measurements. Workplace measurements evaluate the presence of physical, chemical, or biological risk factors in the general environment, while personal exposure measurements assess how much an employee performing a specific job is exposed to these risk factors within a certain period, considering their impact on health.

Occupational hygiene measurements, testing, and analysis must be conducted by accredited laboratories that possess pre-qualification or qualification certificates.


  • Noise Measurements (Personal Exposure and Environmental Measurements) and Noise Mapping
  • Dust Measurements (Personal Exposure and Environmental Measurements) and Dust Mapping
  • Vibration Measurements (Personal Exposure and Environmental Measurements)
  • Lighting (Illuminance) Measurements
  • Thermal Comfort Measurements (Temperature, Humidity)
  • Gas and Vapor (VOC) Measurements (Personal Exposure, Environmental Measurements)
  • Analysis of Chemicals in the Workplace
  • Analysis of Highly Hazardous Substances (PAH)
  • Asbestos Measurements
  • Heavy Metal Measurements

The periods for occupational hygiene measurements, testing, and analysis are not specified by regulations and can vary based on the unique conditions of each workplace. Employers should identify the presence of physical, chemical, and biological hazard sources through environmental and personal exposure measurements during and when updating risk assessments, and repeat these measurements to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken.

Moreover, the employer is obligated to perform or repeat environmental measurements if changes occur in the personal exposure of employees due to the work environment or the nature of the job, as deemed necessary by the workplace physician or occupational safety expert, and when required during external audits.

The employer's obligations are explicitly stated in the legislation as follows;

Regulation on Occupational Hygiene Measurement, Testing, and Analysis Laboratories

Employer's obligations regarding occupational hygiene measurement, testing, and analysis

ARTICLE 5 – (1) The employer is obliged to protect employees from the harmful effects of substances present, used, generated, or processed in any way in the workplace, and under this framework:

a) Identifies the presence of physical, chemical, and biological hazard sources through environmental and personal exposure measurement, testing, and analysis when conducting and updating risk assessments, as deemed necessary.

b) Repeats environmental and personal exposure measurement, testing, and analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the control measures taken.

(2) The employer performs or repeats occupational hygiene measurement, testing, and analysis under any of the following circumstances:

a) When there is a change in the personal exposure of employees due to the work environment or the nature of the job.

b) When deemed necessary by the workplace physician or occupational safety expert.

c) When required during external audits conducted at the workplace.

(3) The employer is obliged to have occupational hygiene measurement, testing, and analysis conducted by laboratories that possess pre-qualification or qualification certificates.

(4) The employer informs the laboratory personnel coming to the workplace to perform occupational hygiene measurement, testing, and analysis about the following:

a) Health and safety risks that may be encountered in the workplace, and preventive and protective measures.

b) Persons assigned for first aid, search and rescue, evacuation, and fire-fighting duties.

(5) The employer assigns a person knowledgeable about the conduct of the work to accompany the laboratory personnel during their activities at the workplace.

(6) The employer ensures accurate results by:

a) Providing necessary information about the technologies used in the workplace to the laboratory personnel performing the measurement, testing, or analysis and allowing them to interview employees.

b) Ensuring the measurement, testing, and analysis are conducted according to the plan prepared by the laboratory.

c) Maintaining normal working conditions and production capacity without any changes to ensure real results.

d) Providing all kinds of information, documents, and records, including safety data sheets, about the physical, chemical, and biological factors to be measured at the workplace to the laboratories.

e) Obtaining the views of employees or their representatives regarding the occupational hygiene measurement, testing, and analysis to be performed at the workplace.

(7) The employer keeps all printed or electronic records of all occupational hygiene measurements, tests, analyses, and evaluations conducted in accordance with this regulation at the workplace to present during inspections when requested.

(8) The employer keeps occupational hygiene measurement, test, and analysis records for the periods specified by relevant legislation. For records not specified by legislation, the retention period is 10 years.

Related Legislation;

Regulation on Occupational Hygiene Measurement, Testing, and Analysis Laboratories

Regulation on Health and Safety Measures in Asbestos-Related Works

Regulation on the Prevention of Risks from Exposure to Biological Agents

Regulation on the Protection of Employees from Noise-Related Risks

Regulation on the Protection of Employees from the Hazards of Explosive Atmospheres

Regulation on the Protection of Employees from Vibration-Related Risks

Regulation on Health and Safety Measures in Work with Display Screen Equipment

Regulation on Health and Safety Measures in Workplace Buildings and Additions

Regulation on Health and Safety Measures in Work with Carcinogenic or Mutagenic Substances

Regulation on Health and Safety Measures in Work with Chemical Substances

Regulation on the Use of Personal Protective Equipment in Workplaces

Occupational Health and Safety Regulation for Mining Workplaces

Regulation on Equipment and Protective Systems Used in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

Regulation on Dust Control

Regulation on Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Substances and Mixtures

National and International Standards


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