Health Personnel Service

Other healthcare personnel; Persons who have a nurse, health officer, emergency medical technician and environmental health technician diploma certified by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services to be assigned to occupational health and safety services and Family, Labor and Social Services They are people who have a workplace nursing certificate issued by the Ministry. Other health personnel are indispensable members of occupational health processes.

Other Health Personnel Working Hours;

Other Health personnel service period is calculated according to the current number of employees of your workplace and the hazard class of your workplace. In addition, he can be assigned to your workplace upon request to support the workplace physician.


  • At least 10 minutes per employee per month in workplaces with 10 to 49 employees in the very hazardous class.
  • At least 15 minutes per month per employee in workplaces with 50 to 249 employees in the very hazardous class.
  • At least 20 minutes per month per employee in workplaces with 250 or more employees in the very dangerous class

Enter the Number of Employees in Your Company to Calculate Service Duration

Other Healthcare Personnel

Less Hazardous Workplace

Dangerous Workplace

Very Dangerous Workplace

Click to find out your company's hazard class


Duties of other healthcare personnel

  • Working with the workplace physician in planning, evaluating, monitoring and directing occupational health and safety services, collecting data and keeping the necessary records
  • To provide general assistance to the occupational physician on occupational health issues
  • Writing the health and work histories of employees on the employment/periodic examination form
  • Assisting the workplace physician for employment/periodic examinations performed by the occupational physician
  • Ensuring that health surveillance is carried out for groups that require special policies
  • To check the continuity of general hygiene conditions in the entire workplace and to ensure that they are recorded on the necessary forms
  • Taking an active role in the organization of first aid services
  • Taking part in occupational health training given to employees
  • Providing support to the work of employee representatives and support staff

Duties, Authorities and Obligations of Other Health Personnel Official Gazette No. 28713 dated 20.07.2013 Regulation on Duties, Authorities, Responsibilities and Training of Workplace Physicians and Other Health Personnel. It is stated in the regulations as follows.

Regulation on Duties, Authorities, Responsibilities and Training of Workplace Physicians and Other Health Personnel

Duties of other healthcare personnel

(1) Other health personnel work together with the workplace physician.

(2) The duties of other healthcare personnel are stated below:

a) Working together with the workplace physician in planning, evaluating, monitoring and directing occupational health and safety services, collecting data and keeping the necessary records.

b) Writing the health and work stories of the employees on the employment/periodic examination form and assisting the physician during the examination performed by the workplace physician.

c) To follow the groups that require special policies and ensure that the necessary health examinations are carried out.

ç) Working together with the workplace physician in the organization and execution of first aid services.

d) Taking part in the health education of employees.

e) Working together with the workplace physician in constantly monitoring and inspecting the general hygiene conditions of the workplace building and its extensions.

f) To carry out other duties related to occupational health and safety assigned by the workplace physician.

g) To provide support to the work of employee representatives and support staff at the workplace and to cooperate with these people.

Authorities of other healthcare personnel

(1) The powers of other healthcare personnel working in the workplace are stated below:

a) As part of his/her duty, to conduct examination and research on occupational health and safety in all parts of the workplace, to access the necessary information and documents and to interview the employees.


b) Communicating with relevant institutions and organizations within the workplace, within the knowledge of the employer and the workplace physician, on matters required by his/her duty. To cooperate in accordance with its regulations.

(2) Other healthcare personnel assigned with a full-time employment contract have the right to participate in organizations such as training, seminars and panels to ensure their professional development related to the workplace where they work. In such organizations, a total of five working days are lost in a year. This period is counted as working time and no deduction can be made from the wages of other healthcare personnel due to these periods.

Obligations of other healthcare personnel

(1) While other health personnel working in the workplace perform their duties specified in this Regulation, they should not disrupt the normal flow of work as much as possible and contribute to the provision of an efficient working environment, and ensure that the employer and the workplace are professional They are obliged to keep secrets, information about their economic and commercial situations, and the information in the employee's personal health file confidential.

(2) Other health personnel working in the workplace are responsible to the employer to whom they provide service, due to their negligence in the execution of occupational health and safety services.

(3) Other health personnel are obliged to convey their findings and recommendations regarding occupational health and safety in the workplace to which they are assigned, to the workplace physician.


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