Occupational Safety Expert Service

Occupational Safety Specialist refers to professionals who are authorized by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services to work in the field of occupational health and safety and have an occupational safety expertise certificate. The specialization degree starts with class C, progresses to class B and finally class A as the requirements are met.

Occupational safety experts are professionals who can combine their processes, which vary depending on the dynamics of the company they serve, with their sectoral experience, knowledge of legislation, observation and research skills. Therefore “onsite” It is a feasible branch.  

Occupational Safety Specialist Working Hours;

The service period of the occupational safety specialist is calculated according to the current number of employees of your workplace and the hazard class of your workplace.


  • Low Hazard Class: 10 minutes per person
  • Dangerous Class: 20 minutes per person
  • Highly Hazardous Class: 40 minutes per person

Enter the Number of Employees in Your Company to Calculate Service Duration

Job security specialist

Less Hazardous Workplace

Dangerous Workplace

Very Dangerous Workplace

Click to find out your company's hazard class


Duties of the Occupational Safety Specialist;

  • Ensuring the preparation of the occupational safety compliance control form
  • Making necessary reports and information according to the occupational safety compliance control form,
  • Providing occupational safety training and evaluating training effectiveness
  • Establishing and managing a surveillance and control system in the workplace
  • Making field inspections at the workplace and making reports to the relevant people
  • Participating in the work of the occupational health and safety board and acting as its secretary when necessary
  • Preparing an annual work plan and monitoring compliance with the plan
  • Preparing a training plan, monitoring compliance with the plan
  • Preparing the annual evaluation report,
  • Providing guidance and consultancy to employers on occupational safety
  • Inspecting subcontractors and presenting reports to the management (organizing and coordinating the subcontractor management system)
  • Making a risk assessment
  • Preparing an emergency plan, supporting the formation of teams, and guiding the employer to carry out emergency training and emergency drills.
  • Ensuring fire safety, supporting the formation and training of teams
  • Insideç regulation/ internal prepare instructions
  • Preparing work permit (hot work, working at height, excavation works, etc.) procedures
  • Preparing work instructions
  • After a work accident, to analyze the root cause of the accident, create a report, ensure that the necessary precautions are taken and re-educate the victim.
  • Determining working conditions with chemical substances
  • Determining the storage conditions of chemical substances
  • Determining working conditions with flammable, explosive, flammable and dangerous substances
  • To determine the storage conditions of flammable, explosive, flammable and dangerous substances
  • Making a personal protective equipment (PPE) risk map and assessment
  • Ensuring that personal protective equipment (PPE) use training is provided
  • Advising the employer on the selection of personal protective equipment
  • To carry out the necessary work regarding electrical safety
  • Following periodic checks of electricity, grounding and lightning rod installations
  • Following periodic checks of work machines and lifting equipment
  • Following periodic checks of pressure vessels and boilers

Duties, powers and obligations of occupational safety experts. Official Gazette No. 28512 dated 29.12.2012. Regulation on Duties, Authorities, Responsibilities and Training of Occupational Safety Experts. It is stated as follows.

Regulation on Duties, Authorities, Responsibilities and Training of Occupational Safety Experts


Duties of occupational safety experts:

a) Guidance;

1) Planning, organization and implementation of the work, including the design, condition, maintenance and selection of machinery and other equipment and the materials used, regarding the work done and changes to be made in the workplace, personal protection To make recommendations to the employer to ensure that the selection, supply, use, maintenance, preservation and testing of equipment are carried out in accordance with occupational health and safety legislation and general occupational safety rules.

2) To inform the employer in writing about the measures to be taken regarding occupational health and safety.

3) To investigate the causes of occupational accidents and occupational diseases that occur in the workplace and to make recommendations to the employer by conducting studies on the measures to be taken to prevent their recurrence.

4) To conduct studies on the causes of incidents that occur in the workplace, but do not cause death or injury, but have the potential to harm the employee, equipment or the workplace, and make recommendations to the employer.


b) Risk assessment;

1) To participate in studies and implementation of risk assessment in terms of occupational health and safety, to make recommendations to the employer about the health and safety measures that should be taken as a result of the risk assessment and to follow up.

c) Work environment surveillance;

1) Supervising the working environment, planning and controlling the periodic maintenance, control and measurements that must be carried out in the workplace in accordance with the occupational health and safety legislation.

2) Participating in studies carried out to prevent accidents, fires or explosions in the workplace, making recommendations to the employer on this issue, and following the practices; To participate in the preparation of emergency plans for situations such as natural disasters, accidents, fire or explosions, to monitor and control the conduct of periodic training and drills on this subject and to act in line with the emergency plan.

ç) Training, information and registration;

1) To work on planning the occupational health and safety training of employees in accordance with the relevant legislation and submit it to the employer for approval and to carry out or control its implementation.

2) To prepare the annual evaluation report in which the results of occupational health and safety studies and work environment surveillance regarding the working environment are recorded, in cooperation with the workplace physician.

3) Organizing information activities for employees, submitting them to the employer for approval and controlling their implementation.

4) To prepare occupational health and safety instructions and work permit procedures for use where necessary, to submit them to the employer for approval and to control their implementation.

5) To inform the OHS CLERK of information regarding issues concerning occupational health and safety to be determined by the Ministry.

d) Cooperation with relevant units;

1) To evaluate work accidents and occupational diseases together with the workplace physician, to prepare the necessary preventive action plans by conducting examinations and research to prevent the recurrence of dangerous events, and to follow up the practices.

2) To prepare the annual work plan together with the workplace physician, which includes activities related to occupational health and safety to be carried out in the following year.

3) To work in cooperation with the occupational health and safety board of which it is a member, if any,

4) To provide support to the work of employee representatives and support staff and to cooperate with these people.

Authorities of occupational safety experts

(1) The powers of the occupational safety expert are stated below:

a) Applying to the employer to stop the work if the life threat identified in the workplace is serious and unavoidable and requires urgent intervention.

b) As part of his/her duty, to conduct examination and research on occupational health and safety in all parts of the workplace, to access the necessary information and documents and to interview the employees.

c) Communicating with relevant institutions and organizations within the workplace, within the knowledge of the employer, on matters required by his/her duty. To cooperate in accordance with its regulations.

Obligations of occupational safety experts

(1) While performing their duties specified in this Regulation, occupational safety experts should not disrupt the normal flow of work as much as possible and contribute to the provision of a productive working environment, the professional secrets of the employer and the workplace, They are obliged to keep information regarding their economic and commercial situation confidential.

(2) Occupational safety experts are responsible to the employer to whom they provide services for their negligence in the execution of occupational health and safety services.

(3) The occupational safety expert shall determine the situations that require an emergency stop and the life-threatening ones such as fire, explosion, collapse, chemical leakage among the measures to be taken regarding occupational health and safety, which are notified to the employer in writing, to be determined. If the employer fails to comply within a reasonable period of time, they are obliged to notify in writing the provincial directorate of the labor and employment institution to which the workplace is affiliated.

(4) The occupational safety expert shall make his findings and recommendations regarding the work carried out in the workplace where he is assigned, the studies carried out together with the workplace physician and the information he deems necessary. Writes other matters in the approved notebook.


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