Workplace Physician Service

Occupational physician refers to a physician who has an occupational medicine certificate authorized by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services to work in the field of occupational health and safety.

In addition to the well-known classical medical approaches, the occupational physician also evaluates the factors that affect the health of the employees they are exposed to in the workplace by carrying out health surveillance of the employees in the workplace, makes suggestions for the improvement of the process, and helps the employees' occupational health. He is one of the most effective professionals in his work to protect against diseases. 

Workplace Physician Working Hours;

Occupational physician service period is calculated according to the current number of employees of your workplace and the hazard class of your workplace.


  • Low Hazard Class: 5 minutes per person
  • Dangerous Class: 10 minutes per person
  • Highly Hazardous Class: 15 minutes per person

Enter the Number of Employees in Your Company to Calculate Service Duration

Workplace Physician

Less Hazardous Workplace

Dangerous Workplace

Very Dangerous Workplace

Click to find out your company's hazard class

Duties of the Workplace Physician;

  • Ensuring that the occupational health compliance control form is prepared
  • Making necessary reports and information according to the occupational health compliance control form,
  • Providing guidance and consultancy to employers on occupational health
  • To evaluate the suitability of the employee to be employed in terms of health for the job to be done
  • Conducting employment and periodic health examinations of employees
  • Providing training to employees on general health issues
  • To ensure harmony between the job and the employee by evaluating the ergonomic and psychosocial risks in the execution of the job
  • Participating in occupational health and safety board studies
  • Participating in the surveillance and control system studies at the workplace
  • To carry out the necessary checks on the maintenance and cleaning of the canteen, dining hall, dormitory, nursery and breastfeeding rooms, changing rooms, showers and toilets
  • Observing and evaluating occupational hygiene processes in the workplace in terms of health
  • Participating in risk assessment studies to be carried out in the workplace
  • To carry out preventive health examinations in accordance with the legislation regarding the assessment and prevention of risks in the workplace
  • Carrying out the health of the victim when returning to work after a work accident
  • To carry out health surveillance of employees in groups that require special policies
  • Conducting health surveillance of employees, including night shifts
  • Inspecting general hygiene conditions in the workplace
  • Preparing the annual occupational health work and training plan
  • Preparing the annual evaluation report,

Duties, powers and obligations of occupational physicians Official Gazette No. 28713 dated 20.07.2013 Regulation on Duties, Authorities, Responsibilities and Training of Workplace Physicians and Other Health Personnel It is stated as follows.

Regulation on the Duties, Powers, Responsibilities and Training of Workplace Physicians and Other Health Personnel

Duties of occupational physicians

(1) The workplace physician works together with other health personnel if present at the workplace.

(2) Occupational physicians are obliged to perform the following duties within the scope of occupational health and safety services:

a) Guidance;

1) To provide guidance to the employer regarding the health surveillance of employees and the surveillance of the working environment within the scope of occupational health and safety services.

2) Regarding the work done and changes to be made in the workplace, the design of the workplace, the planning, organization and implementation of the work, including the materials used, and the selection of personal protective equipment, are in accordance with the occupational health and safety legislation and To make recommendations to the employer to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with general occupational health rules.

3) To advise the employer on the necessary activities to improve the health of employees in the workplace.

4) Participating in research in the field of occupational health and safety, as well as ensuring the harmony of work and employees by taking into account the physical and mental capacities of employees in terms of ergonomic and psychosocial risks in the execution of the work. To conduct research to protect people from stress factors in the work environment and to take these research results into account in guidance activities.

5) By constantly monitoring and inspecting the general hygiene conditions of workplace buildings and extensions, including canteens, dining halls, dormitories, nursery and breastfeeding rooms, changing rooms, showers and toilets, To give advice on providing the nutritional needs and appropriate drinking water required by the job.

6) To investigate the causes of occupational accidents and occupational diseases that occur in the workplace and to make recommendations to the employer by conducting studies on the measures to be taken to prevent their recurrence.

7) To conduct studies on the causes of incidents that occur in the workplace but do not cause death or injury, but have the potential to harm the employee, equipment or the workplace, and to make recommendations to the employer.

8) To inform the employer in writing about the measures to be taken regarding occupational health and safety.

b) Risk assessment;

1) To participate in studies and implementation of risk assessment in terms of occupational health and safety, to make recommendations to the employer about the health and safety measures that should be taken as a result of the risk assessment and to follow up.

2) Pregnant or breastfeeding women, those under 18 years of age, those diagnosed or pre-diagnosed with occupational diseases, those with chronic diseases, the elderly, the disabled and disabled, alcohol, medication; and to closely monitor and protect groups that require special policies, such as those with drug addiction and those who have had more than one work accident, to inform them and to take them into special consideration in the risk assessment to be made.

c) Health surveillance;

1) To inform employees and obtain their consent regarding recruitment and periodic examinations and examinations to be carried out within the scope of health surveillance.

2) To carry out health surveillance of employees, including night shifts.

3) In line with the results of the risk assessment carried out in the workplace with international standards, primarily taking into account the personal characteristics of the employee, the hazard class of the workplace and the nature of the work; For jobs in the less hazardous class, at the latest; every five years, at the latest in hazardous class work; three Once a year, at the latest in very hazardous class jobs. Once a year, children and young people who are in the group that requires special policy; and for pregnant employees, at the latest; Periodic examination is repeated once every six months. However, if the workplace physician deems it necessary, these periods are shortened.

4) To organize the results of the employment and periodic health examinations and the necessary examinations, which indicate that the employees are suitable for the job they will do, in accordance with the sample given in ANNEX-2, and to keep them in the workplace.

5) Employees who are in groups that require special policies, such as those diagnosed or pre-diagnosed with an occupational disease, those with chronic diseases, substance addiction, and those who have had more than one work accident, must undergo the necessary health examinations to be placed in suitable jobs. To prepare a report by doing so, and to repeat the health examinations of other employees in the environment where the person works, in case of an employee who has been diagnosed or pre-diagnosed with an occupational disease.

6) To determine whether there is a relationship between absenteeism due to health problems and health hazards that may occur in the workplace, to plan measurements regarding the working environment when necessary, to submit them to the employer for approval, and to report the results obtained; To evaluate the health of the employees.

7) If employees request a return to work after being away from work repeatedly due to health reasons, we recommend that those who are deemed unsafe to work in their previous position be given a task appropriate to their current health condition. and submit it to the employer for approval.

8) Control of infectious diseases; In addition to carrying out spread prevention and immunization studies, to provide the necessary hygiene training and to ensure that the necessary examinations and examinations are carried out.

9) To record the work related to health surveillance in the workplace, to evaluate work accidents and occupational diseases in cooperation with the occupational safety expert, to take necessary preventive action by conducting examinations and research to prevent the recurrence of dangerous events. to prepare plans and prepare the annual work plan, including these issues, and submit it to the employer for approval, to follow up the practices and to prepare the annual evaluation report in accordance with the sample specified in ANNEX-3.

10) To check whether the health reports showing that the employees who are temporarily sent to the workplace to work from another employer and the sub-employer employees are suitable for the job they will do have expired.< /p>

ç) Training, information and registration;

1) To work on planning the occupational health and safety training of employees in accordance with the relevant legislation and submit it to the employer for approval and to carry out or control its implementation.

2) To carry out the organization of first aid and emergency response services in the workplace and the training of personnel in line with the relevant legislation.

3) General health, occupational health and safety, hygiene, harms of the use of addictive substances, personal protective equipment and collective protection instructions for managers, occupational health and safety board members and employees, if available. To provide training on methods and to ensure continuity of training.

4) Informing employees about risks in the workplace, health surveillance, recruitment and periodic examinations.

5) To prepare the annual evaluation report in which the results of occupational health and safety studies and health surveillance are recorded, in cooperation with the occupational safety expert, in accordance with the example in ANNEX-3.

6) To inform the General Directorate of information regarding occupational health and safety issues to be determined by the Ministry through the OHS KATIP system.

d) Cooperation with relevant units;

1) According to the results of health surveillance, to recommend and measure the necessary measurements within the scope of surveillance of the working environment in cooperation with the occupational safety expert. ;evaluate the results.

2) To work in cooperation with the occupational health and safety board of which it is a member, if any.

3) To cooperate with relevant parties to provide information and training on occupational health and safety in the workplace.

4) Participating in the development of programs to improve existing practices, such as the analysis of work accidents and occupational diseases, programs to improve work practices, and the health evaluation and testing of new technology and equipment.

5) Working Power and Earning Power in the Profession. To work in cooperation with hospitals authorized to issue health board reports regarding occupational diseases in accordance with the Loss Rate Regulation, and to cooperate with relevant units regarding the rehabilitation of employees who suffered a work accident or contracted an occupational disease.

6) Participating in research in the field of occupational health and safety.

7) Contributing to the occupational safety expert in the preparation of occupational health and safety instructions and work permit procedures for use where necessary.

8) To prepare the annual work plan together with the occupational safety expert, which includes activities related to occupational health and safety to be carried out in the next year.

9) To provide support to the work of employee representatives and support staff at the workplace and to cooperate with these people.

Powers of the occupational physician

(1) The powers of the workplace physician are stated below:

b) To apply to the employer to stop the work if the life-threatening danger identified at the workplace is serious and unavoidable and requires urgent intervention.

c) As part of his/her duty, to conduct examination and research on occupational health and safety in all parts of the workplace, to access the necessary information and documents and to interview the employees.


ç) To communicate with relevant institutions and organizations within the workplace, within the knowledge of the employer, on matters required by his/her duty. To cooperate in accordance with its regulations.

(2) Occupational physicians assigned with a full-time employment contract have the right to participate in organizations such as training, seminars and panels to ensure their professional development in the workplace where they work. In such organizations, a total of five working days are lost in a year. This period is counted as working time and no deduction can be made from the wages of the workplace physician due to these periods.

Obligations of the occupational physician

(1) While performing their duties specified in this Regulation, occupational physicians should not disrupt the normal flow of work as much as possible and contribute to the provision of a productive working environment, professional secrets of the employer and the workplace, economic and commercial They are obliged to keep confidential the information about their condition and the information in the employee's personal health file.

(2) Occupational physicians are responsible to the employer to whom they provide services for their negligence in the execution of occupational health and safety services.

(3) Among the precautions to be taken regarding occupational health and safety, which they notify the employer in writing, occupational physicians shall include situations that require an emergency stop and life-threatening situations such as fire, explosion, collapse, chemical leakage within a reasonable period of time to be determined. In case of non-compliance by the employer within the scope, they are obliged to notify in writing to the provincial directorate of the labor and employment institution to which the workplace is affiliated.

(4) The workplace physician shall make his findings and recommendations regarding the work carried out in the workplace where he is assigned, his studies on the issues specified in the ninth article titled "duties of the workplace physician", the studies carried out together with the occupational safety specialist and the necessary what he saw Writes other matters in the approved notebook.

(5) The workplace physician refers the cases with a preliminary diagnosis of occupational disease to health service providers authorized by the Social Security Institution.


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