Health Problems and Occupational Safety in Shift and Overtime Work

Health Problems and Occupational Safety in Shift and Overtime Work

Health Problems and Occupational Safety in Shift and Overtime Work

Health Problems and Occupational Safety in Shift and Overtime Work

Health problems faced by workers in shift and overtime work, long working hours and showers. It increases due to untidy working conditions. When workers go beyond normal working hours, it can have negative effects on physical and mental health. Here are the most common health problems encountered in overtime work:

  1. Fatigue and Burnout
  • Physical Fatigue: Long working hours cause workers to become physically exhausted. Physical activities such as continuous standing, heavy lifting or repetitive movements increase fatigue.
  • Mental Burnout: Long and irregular working hours lead to mental fatigue and burnout. It may lead to complacency. This situation increases the risk of distraction, reduced decision-making ability and making mistakes.
  1. Sleep Disorders
    • Insomnia: Night shifts or irregular working hours can disrupt sleep patterns and cause insomnia. Insufficient sleep has serious negative effects on general health.
    • Sleep Apnea and Other Sleep Disorders: Increased stress and fatigue in overtime work can trigger sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or It can make things worse.
    1. Stress and Anxiety
    • High Stress Levels: Increasing workload and decreasing rest periods during overtime work lead to increased stress levels. Constant stress can contribute to heart diseases, high blood pressure and other health problems.
    • Anxiety: Intense workload and sleep disorders can increase anxiety symptoms. This situation negatively affects the person's performance and quality of life at work and in daily life.
    1. Digestive Problems
    • Stomach and Intestinal Problems: Irregular meal times and unhealthy eating habits can lead to digestive system problems. Problems such as stomach aches, acid reflux, constipation or diarrhea may occur frequently.
    • Metabolic Syndrome: Long-term irregular work. hours may cause symptoms of metabolic syndrome such as obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol to appear or worsen.
    1. Muscle -Skeletal System Problems
    • Muscle and Joint Pain: Sitting or standing for long periods of time, wrong posture and repetitive movements can cause muscle and joint pain. may cause joint pain. Waist, neck and shoulder pain are common problems encountered in overtime work.
    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Repetitive hand and wrist movements can lead to disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome. It can open. This causes numbness and pain in the hands.
    1. Cardiovascular Diseases
    • High Blood Pressure: Long working hours and increased stress can lead to high blood pressure. This condition can lead to heart attack and stroke. increases the risk.
    • Heart Diseases: Long-term overtime work may increase the risk of heart diseases. Irregular working hours and stress have negative effects on heart health.
    1. Immune System Weakening
    • Risk of Getting Sick: Insufficient sleep, irregular nutrition and constant stress weaken the immune system and reduce resistance to infections and diseases. This may cause frequent illness and prolonged recovery time.
    1. Psychosocial Problems
    • Effects on Family and Social Life: Working overtime can have negative effects on family and social life. Disruption of work and private life balance can lead to social isolation and weakening of relationships.
    • Depression: Constant stress and fatigue can increase the risk of depression. Symptoms of depression can be common in overtime workers.

    In order to minimize the health problems encountered in overtime work, employers and employees need to be careful and conscious. Regular health checks, appropriate rest periods, healthy eating habits and stress management can help overtime workers maintain their health. Effective implementation of occupational safety measures and occupational health programs improves the general health status of employees and increases productivity at work.

    How is Occupational Safety in Shift and Overtime Working? Should it be?

    Ensuring occupational safety in overtime work is very important for the health of workers and the sustainability of productivity in the workplace.  Working outside of normal working hours may increase risks such as fatigue and distraction. For this reason, various precautions should be taken and certain points should be taken into consideration to ensure occupational safety during overtime work.

    1. Compliance with Legal Regulations
    • Working Hours: Overtime working hours must comply with the country's laws and occupational health and safety regulations. Care should be taken not to exceed the daily and weekly working hours of employees.
    • Rest Periods: Employees should be ensured to have sufficient rest periods. Adequate rest time should be given after night work and long-term shifts.
    1. Risk Assessment and Management
    • Risk Analysis: Risk assessment should be made before overtime work begins. Risks that may occur at night and during long working hours should be identified and precautions should be taken.
    • Emergency Plans: Plans should be created for emergencies that may occur during overtime work and precautions should be taken. Employees should be informed about these plans.
    1. Employee Health and Safety
    • Health Checks: Health checks of employees should be carried out at regular intervals. Signs of fatigue and stress, especially in overtime workers, should be observed.
    • Ergonomics: Work areas should be arranged ergonomically, and employees should not sit or sit for long periods of time. Appropriate equipment should be provided so that they do not have to stand.
    1. Training and Information
    • Occupational Safety Training: Employees should be trained regularly on occupational safety. They should be informed about the risks they may encounter during overtime work and ways to protect themselves from these risks.
    • Information Meetings: Information meetings should be held at regular intervals, employees' questions should be answered and their feedback should be taken into account.
    1. Communication and Control
    • Effective Communication: An effective communication network should be established between employees and management. Employees should be able to easily communicate the problems or risks they encounter.
    • Inspections: Occupational safety inspections should be carried out regularly in the workplace. Deficiencies should be identified and necessary improvements should be implemented quickly.
    1. Motivation and Morale
    • Motivation Programs: Programs and events should be organized to keep the morale and motivation of employees high. This creates a positive atmosphere in the workplace and makes employees pay more attention to occupational safety.
    • Incentives: Complying with occupational safety rules and being careful Working personnel should be encouraged. For example, incentives such as performance rewards or extra days off may be offered.
    1. Technology and Equipment
    • Modern Equipment: Modern and safe equipment should be provided so that employees can do their jobs more safely and efficiently.
    • Protective Equipment: It must be ensured that the personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used in overtime work is complete and appropriate. Regular maintenance and renewal of this equipment should be ensured.

    Occupational safety in overtime work is not only a legal obligation, but also for the health of workers and the continuity of productivity in the workplace. It is an indispensable element. The above-mentioned precautions and points to consider play an important role in ensuring occupational safety during overtime working periods. Paying attention to these issues by employers and workers contributes to the creation of a safe and healthy working environment.

Üniversal OSGB
Occupational Safety and Worker Health Center

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