Health Monitoring of Pregnant Female Employees and Their Legal Status in Turkey

Health Monitoring of Pregnant Female Employees and Their Legal Status in Turkey

Health Monitoring of Pregnant Female Employees and Their Legal Status in Turkey

Health Monitoring of Pregnant Female Employees and Their Legal Status in Turkey

Health monitoring of pregnant female employees has a special importance within the scope of occupational safety and health. In this article, detailed information will be provided about the health monitoring, rights and legal regulations of pregnant female employees in Turkey.

Health Monitoring of Pregnant Female Employees

The pregnancy period is a process in which the woman experiences many changes both physiologically and psychologically. During this period, regular health monitoring of pregnant female employees is of critical importance in terms of protecting the health of both the mother and the baby. Health monitoring measures that should be taken for pregnant female employees in workplaces are as follows:

  • Periodic Health Checks: Pregnant female employees should undergo regular health checks. These checks are necessary for monitoring the pregnancy process and early detection of possible risks. Doctor's examinations, ultrasonography and necessary laboratory tests are a part of this process.
  • Risk Assessment in the Workplace: A risk assessment should be carried out in the workplace where pregnant employees work and possible hazards should be identified. Risks such as chemicals, radiation, extreme physical activities and jobs that require standing for long periods of time can be harmful to the mother and baby during pregnancy. When such situations are detected, the working conditions of the pregnant employee should be rearranged.
  • Ergonomic Regulations: During pregnancy, it is important to arrange the working environments of female employees ergonomically. Ergonomic measures such as appropriate sitting positions, adjustable desks and chairs that provide back support enable the expectant mother to work comfortably.
  • Psychological Support: Pregnancy is a period of emotional fluctuations for women. Therefore, providing psychological support at work is important for stress management and emotional well-being. Workplace counseling services or psychologist support may be useful in this process.
  • Health examinations of pregnant female employees include regular checks to protect the health of the mother and the baby, to ensure the healthy progress of the pregnancy process and to detect possible complications early. Here are the details of the health examinations of pregnant female employees:

  • First Trimester (Weeks 1-13)
    • First Examination and Comprehensive Health Assessment: At the beginning of pregnancy, the general health status of the expectant mother, family history, previous pregnancies and existing diseases are evaluated. Physical examination, blood pressure measurement; and weight monitoring is done.
    • Blood Tests: Complete blood count, blood group and Rh factor. determines. Additionally, tests are performed for infectious diseases (measles, HIV, hepatitis B and C) and anemia.
    • Urine Tests: Urinary tract infections and kidney functions are evaluated.
    • Ultrasonography: With ultrasonography performed in the first trimester, the presence of the gestational sac, embryo, heartbeat and gestational age are confirmed. Additionally, abnormalities such as ectopic pregnancy are detected.
    1. Second Trimester (Weeks 14-26)
    • Quadruple Screening Test: 16-18. This test, performed between weeks and weeks, is used to evaluate the risk of Down syndrome and other genetic anomalies.
    • Detailed Ultrasonography (Anomaly Scanning): 18-22. With this detailed ultrasonography performed between weeks and weeks, the baby's organ development and structural abnormalities are examined.
    • Glucose Tolerance Test: 24-28. This test, performed between weeks and weeks, is used to evaluate the risk of gestational diabetes.
    • Blood Pressure and Urine Tests: Regular blood pressure measurement to monitor for signs of preeclampsia (pregnancy toxicity). and a urine test is performed.
    1. Thirdü Trimester (Weeks 27-40)
    • Biophysical Profile and Non-Stress Test (NST): These tests are performed to evaluate the baby's well-being, and are used especially in risky pregnancies. The baby's heartbeat, movements and amount of amniotic fluid are evaluated.
    • Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Test: 35-37. This test, performed between weeks and weeks, evaluates the risk of bacterial infection that may be transmitted to the baby during birth.
    • Regular Checks: Blood pressure, weight monitoring, baby position and heartbeat are monitored regularly.

    General Examinations and Follow-up

    • Blood Pressure and Weight Monitoring: Blood pressure and weight are monitored regularly throughout pregnancy. Risks of high blood pressure and excessive weight gain are monitored.
    • Nutrition and Vitamin Supplements: Nutritional counseling is provided during pregnancy to ensure that iron, folic acid and other essential vitamins are taken at adequate levels.
    • Monitoring Fetal Heartbeat: The baby's heartbeat is checked regularly.
    • Amniocentesis or Chorionic Villus Biopsy (CVS): These invasive methods used for genetic tests in high-risk pregnancies are applied in certain cases.

    Precautions to be Taken at Work

    • Risk Assessment: Chemical, biological and physical risk factors in the workplace are evaluated and necessary precautions are taken.
    • Regulating Working Conditions: Jobs that require standing for long periods of time, heavy physical activities and stressful working conditions are minimized.
    • Ergonomic Regulations: Ergonomic working environments are provided where pregnant employees can feel comfortable. Adjustable desks and chairs that provide back support are used.
    • Psychological Support: Psychological support is provided to pregnant female employees at the workplace. Stress management and emotional support are provided.

    Health examinations of pregnant female employees are of great importance to protect the health of the mother and baby and to ensure that the pregnancy process goes smoothly. Legal regulations in Turkey ensure that pregnant employees benefit from the necessary health services during this period and have a safe working environment at work. Conducting regular health checks during pregnancy, detecting possible risks early and taking the necessary precautions are of critical importance in terms of protecting the health of both the mother and the baby.


    Pregnant Woman Çemployees  What are their status in Legal Regulations in Turkey?

    There are various legal regulations in Turkey that regulate the rights and health monitoring of pregnant women employees. These regulations aim to ensure the occupational safety of pregnant employees and protect their rights. Here are the relevant legal regulations in Turkey:

  • Labor Law: Labor law in Turkey broadly protects the rights of pregnant female employees. Labor Law No. 4857 regulates the pre- and post-natal rights of pregnant women employees. According to the law, pregnant women can take maternity leave for a total of 16 weeks, including 8 weeks before birth and 8 weeks after birth. In case of multiple pregnancy, this period is determined as 10 weeks before birth.
  • Pregnancy Notification and Health Report: Employees who notify the employer about their pregnancy can continue to work under appropriate health conditions at the workplace. They can obtain a health report to perform the necessary health checks during pregnancy. These reports form the basis for making regulations that will protect the health of pregnant employees in the workplace.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Law: Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 determines the precautions to be taken for pregnant employees in workplaces. According to the law, employers are obliged to ensure the health and safety of pregnant and breastfeeding employees. In this context, risk assessment should be made, necessary ergonomic regulations should be provided and hazards should be minimized.
  • Maternity Conditions Regulation: This regulation regulates the working conditions of pregnant, recently given birth and breastfeeding female employees. The regulation emphasizes that pregnant employees should not be employed in heavy and dangerous work and details the precautions to be taken at the workplace. In addition, details regarding the pre- and post-natal leave rights of pregnant employees are also included in this regulation.
  • Night Working and Overtime Regulations: There are special regulations regarding night work and overtime for pregnant female employees. Female employees are prohibited from working at night during pregnancy. Additionally, pregnant employees cannot be forced to work overtime and should not be made to do heavy work.
  • Breastfeeding Leave: Postpartum working women are required to be given leave at certain periods at work to breastfeed their babies. This period is 1.5 hours in total per day, and breastfeeding leave is counted as working time. This leave can be combined or divided into different hours of the day at the request of the employee.
  • The health monitoring and rights of pregnant female employees are of great importance for both employers and employees. Legal regulations in Turkey aim to protect the health of pregnant employees and provide a safe working environment in the workplace. The Labor Law, the Occupational Health and Safety Law and related regulations protect the rights of pregnant women employees and provide the necessary support during the pre- and post-natal period. Compliance with these legal regulations is critical in protecting the health of both mother and baby and contributes to the creation of a safer, healthier and more productive working environment in the workplace.

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